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PROJECT 1​ : Issue Free Workforce & High-Performance Team Engagement
Design and deploy company-wide HPT programs to create higher levels of team member engagement, kaizen improvement and profitable growth. Leadership training to 'remove the issues' in 6 key areas and optimize talent attraction, retention, culture and performance.

PROJECT 2: Strategic Planning & Deployment Process
Redefine 3 to 5-year strategic plans with break-through objectives to advance your organization's economic value. Deploy lean measurement systems to better guide long-term SQDC performance, market share gain, annual operating plan (AIP) achievement and organizational alignment. Functional accountability to ensure corporate and local operating plan objectives are consistently achieved each fiscal period.

PROJECT 3: Business Responsibility & Sustainability- Strategic Development
Clear business responsibility and sustainability strategies can improve company culture, create positive environmental impacts and drive bottom-line performance vs. simply following compliance laws and regulations. Defining key 3-5 year strategic breakthrough objectives for your company with annual improvement priorities (AIP's) and visual tracking systems will drive results, attract & retain talent and deliver competitive advantage for your organization.

PROJECT 4: Effective Customer Experience Measurement Systems
Identifying key CX performance indicators can differentiate your organization's products and services from the competition. Create and deploy automated measurement/goal systems to better understand present organizational strengths, weaknesses and opportunities. Set annual performance goals to improve premier customer experience levels and drive customer loyalty.
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